
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Now with 2020 Vision I can have 2020 hindsight, and forgive myself, forgive everyone, and love my family. 

My newest idea is not original. It is a collage of other people's ideas and research.  I want it to lead to something really groundbreaking, it's worthwhile and I'm going to pursue it. 

Spent the day looking at Compassionate Recovery, a group based addiction treatment model that starts with a healing meditation breath, and then creates a mudra or gesture bringing self-love and loving empathy to the heart, helping create a moment of choice before plunging into the numbing pleasure of the addiction. 

The difficulty I'm having is with my own addiction to binge-watching romance television series, and eating lovely food, well, that one is prob ok. 

I'm disappointed with myself not doing the QiGong, Yoga Stretches, and Telesymbol work that helps me. 
but I've been tasked with writing a book, and I've started:  the Myths of Single Parenting...  Fairy Tales and Myths of single parenting.  fairy tales might be good!  myths might be false...are false!;)

I'm thinking I need to do a physical program for rehabilitating myself from my addiction, but first let me just finish this tv series!  I need happy and exciting story...  interaction without risk,...  certainty of a happy ending.  In real life, this is not the case.  It's a boring slog, a lot.  Meeting people is scary though wonderful.  there is never really the certainty of a happy ending, And Yet, in my life: things seem to work out.  Life works! 

okay, I'll try again tomorrow, and I'm sure that after my meditation, I'll do all the other stuff!  Oh, have to work tomorrow.  So good to be earning money though.  This is what I need.  That might be the sugar to get me to do a bit more boring slog.

we'll see.